Thursday, April 16, 2009

It's In Their Genes

“It’s in their Genes”

I recently read a Blog by what appeared to be the very distraught mother of several teens. In her Blog she mentioned things she had to give up, or put on hold, such as her writing career. Plus the additional duties she had to take on caused by the wants and need’s of her brood. So in answer to that Blog I would like to offer the following. As the Father of three well adjusted adult children now well into their years, and with families of their own. (Ha-ha; pay back time.) I have come to realize that everything we had to put on hold, my writing career included, has been paid back many times over. Children will be children, and teens; well they definitely will be teens, they do what they were born to do, drive you crazy; it’s encoded in their genes. They know what their job description is, and they do it very well. And I don’t think science is going to find a cure for this genetic deficiency any time soon. Also, contrary to popular beliefs, they do come with a set of instruction’s, unfortunately for us, only instruction’s they understand. Furthermore, these instructions are supplied with a built in self destruct mechanism, all you have to do is wait a few years and all memory of their prior behavior has been erased leaving them with a clean conscience. And You? Oh well.
In addition, as they progress further into their teen years and gain more experience, they become more adept and resourceful, allowing them do their job’s even more efficiently, and I might add; with a whole lot more finesse. But thank God, because as I look back on those formative years, I wouldn’t want it to have been any other way. (Yeah Right)
While they were growing up , and as I called them, “The Oh My God what now’s” would occur, I often thought, ah, a new episode; someone should write a story, this one could be a best seller, fore it sounds more like fiction than anything else.
But wait a minute; I’m the author, and as much as I have tried to forget, those memories still haunt me with twenty plus years of chapters, and short stories filed away in memory. Plus the fact that I don’t have to invent new characters, their lives were filled with plenty of them, I couldn't ask for a better cast. So a few embellishments, a little more fictionalization, and voila. So Girls and Boys, file it all away for the future, who knows; you may have a few best sellers, or at the very least several dozen short stories on your hands, all compliments of that goo called the genetic pool.

J. Francis

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