Thursday, May 21, 2009

Punctuation Anyone?

Here we go again. (Punctuation Anyone?)

To punctuate, or not to punctuate; that is the question. Or should it be; question? When in doubt, leave it out? How about? Read it the way I wrote it. Catch all those little inflections in my voice. Pause when I pause, ramble when I ramble. Short pause, long pause; longer pause,, even my grammar checker doesn’t like that one.

So what’s with the title of this Blog? And should the word blog even be capitalized? Hmm, I’m not really sure, but again; my grammar checker seems to think so. It says it’s a noun, but is it a proper noun? It’s a thing, I think; so perhaps it deserves a Capitol B.

However, and as usual; I’ve rambled on ahead of myself. The reason I am writing this silly little blog, (should there be a comma after, blog (or Blog)? Or should it be after,) is? Is; again I recently read a Blog by someone who seemed to be very upset with the author’s of several articles she had read and they hadn’t used a comma where she thought they belonged. What was that I said a few line ago? When in doubt, leave it out, or just simply read it the way I wrote it.

I know all the things we were taught about punctuating a sentence, I also know I don’t talk that way. Moreover, I don’t write that way. I write a story the way I would recite it. I take short pauses, long pauses; even longer pauses,, (I emphasize,) and I ramble. Furthermore, as you can see; (LONG PAUSE) I love to ramble. Rambling affords me the opportunity to write on and on for sometimes an entire paragraph without taking the time to take a single breath. Try it, it’s fun to try and find just the right combination of words that allow you to write on without a single comma or semicolon. See; (or is that see,?) no comma needed. At least not for me.

So don’t be upset with they way a particular writer, or author gets his point across, just read it the way they wrote it. (I say they instead of he so I don’t sound like a chauvinist.) That’s why they wrote it that way in the first place, for you to enjoy, not to grade. Sorry; it needed a comma there somewhere. (I only put it there out of fear of retribution from my peers.)

J. Francis

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