Sunday, May 24, 2009

Not enough time in a day?

Not enough time in a day? I feel exactly the same way!

I looked at the clock on my taskbar; 3:46 am? Are you kidding me? I’ve been either working on a new story , editing something else I had written in the past few days, straining my brain on ad content for a customer’s new brochure, researching the Web to see what that customer’s competition is doing, emailing pdf versions of work in progress for approval, (or Not) and a half dozen other things I can’t remember since I struck the first key at, 8:17 this morning. And that was after somewhere just under three hours sleep last night. Not a typical night I do have to admit. Fore I usually get at least; three and a half to four hours of uninterrupted slumber a night. Isn’t daylight savings supposed to give us more time in a day? Or did I miss something?
I have read everything that has come my way about organizing my time, my question to those who find enough time to write that stuff is. What time? I don’t have any. There isn’t enough time in a day to organize.
Oh; and did I mention? I forgot to eat, and my second cup of coffee had long ago become, ice coffee, not iced coffee, just stale, almost day old; cold coffee.
All this to pay the bills each month, as well as add a few dollars to the slush fund so I can get out once in a while for an evening’s entertainment. (A nice meal would be nice.) While the bills get paid, and the slush fund now looks more like the retirement fund I haven’t found time to start, the latter never seems to happen.
Family and friends are annoyed with me, customers are yelling at me, my first New York Times Best Seller is begging for a few more pages, (my editor as well) and I’m hungry.
How I found time to write this silly Blog I’ll never know. I should feel guilty for taking time away from a paying project. But I don’t. Plus I think I’m going to take even more time, and jog down the street to KFC. Nope; they’re not one of my customers, although I wish they were. But in the world of not so fast food, it’s one of my favorites. I just wish I could get them to deliver, I might eat more. But then, cold chicken, mashed potatoes, and gravy aren’t all that bad. I can always wash it down with cold coffee.
So if you find a way to reorganize your day, and have a few hours left over; please find it in your heart to send me a couple of them.

J. Francis

1 comment:

  1. LOL, John! This is too funny--though I get how much you're basing it on reality. And I hear ya. I also forget to eat, drink cold coffee and write blog posts when I "should be" working on stuff that will pay.

    I can block out my surroundings very nicely while I work. This can be an advantage to a writer who needs to be connected to her inner world. But I knew it had gone too far when yesterday my husband stood behind me and spoke and it was like the buzzings of a far off gnat. That's taking my absorption in my creativity a little *too* far!

    Yes, I love my work. And time is a cruel despot. but there's also this creature called Workaholism that needs to be tamed as well.
